1. I confirm that I am a current member of my National paragliding association, I hold the appropriate pilot qualification relevant to the event I wish to enter and hold third party liability insurance through my national organisation or via some other company.
  2. I confirm and agree that the organisers of the X-Lakes Challenge shall, in no way, be held responsible for any incidents that may incur whilst participating in the event.
  3. I confirm that I have had my equipment checked and/or serviced in accordance with best practice for equipment upkeep and maintenance. As the pilot in charge, I warrant that all my hiking and flight equipment is serviceable and of sufficient standard to partake in this event. I understand that I am solely responsible for my equipment and will not hold the organisers of the X-Lakes Challenge liable in any way for any malfunction, damage, or loss of/to my equipment.
  4. I understand that I am ALWAYS the pilot in charge of my paraglider, and that I ALWAYS have the opportunity, based upon my level of skill, knowledge and understanding to make my own decisions regarding routes to take and whether it is safe to fly. I understand that any guidance given to me is intended to be advisory and is not mandatory.
  5. Similarly, whilst participating in the X-Lakes Challenge I take ownership and full responsibility for all route finding and navigational decision making whilst out on the fells regardless of weather and conditions. I will carry all standard safety equipment for navigating on the Lake District fells for the prevailing conditions and, as if I were to be travelling alone, I will be prepared to initiate my own rescue independently of any
    safety measures that have been put in place by the event organisers.
  6. I understand that the organisers of the X-Lakes Challenge recommend the use of devices with live tracking that can communicate via satellite with their support network. I understand that if I borrow, rent, or use
    such a device, it is my responsibility to ensure it remains charged throughout the event and to ensure its tracking mode is switched on and sending updates at a suitable frequency. I understand that there may be
    a delay or lag time in receiving tracking messages via the SMS based scoring systems and, at times, I may be out of service coverage for several hours. I hereby agree that the organisers of the X-Lakes Challenge shall in no way be held responsible for any mis-functioning of my track log devices, due to damage, discharge or lack / delay of network coverage.
  7. I confirm that I can make my own decisions, including finding suitable landing sites and landing without guidance. I confirm that I understand that mountain flying will also mean local meteorological
    conditions with potential for severe turbulence. Pilots must accept this and understand how to manage such conditions safely. Pilots must also be prepared to choose a suitable landing site and land if at any time they feel the conditions are beyond their comfort and experience level.
  8. I confirm that I will not participate in the X-Lakes Challenge under the influence of any drugs or alcohol. I will ensure that I am fully fit and able to participate in all briefing events and in the Challenge itself.
  9. I confirm that my equipment and safety kit conform with the checklist contained within the rules of the XLakes challenge. I understand that if it becomes impossible to communicate with me during the event, for
    whatever reason (radio failure, or tracking device failure) then I will no longer be in receipt of information from my supporters or from the event HQ. If I choose to continue to participate, it will be entirely under
    my own control.
  10. As a participant in the X-Lakes Challenge event, I hereby fully and forever discharge and release the organisers involved in planning the event and the owners of any land in which I walk/run/launch/land, of
    any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever arising out of any damages, both in law and equity, in any way resulting from personal injuries, conscious suffering, death, or property damages sustained while on the ground or in flight, or while participating in any of the activities contemplated by promotion of the X-Lakes Challenge. Exemption from liability includes loss, damage, or injury from any real or perceived negligence of the organisers or any other cause or causes.